Chewable nutritional products for anyone, young or old, who prefers the convenience of chewing their supplements. Great-tasting and easy-to-take, chewables help fill nutritional gaps in your diet and support your overall health.

Chewable supplements are great for children. It’s fall sports season. You want to make sure your children are getting the proper nutrition for their health and stamina so they can concentrate on school and their sports programs.

Catalyn Chewable
– Multiple vitamins for complete, complex nutritional supplementation
– Tastes great with added natural cherry fruit powder

Tuna Omega-3 Chewable
– Delivers Essential Omega-3 fatty acids
– Supports cognition and emotional balance
– Tastes great with added natural orange fruit flavor

Congaplex Chewable
– Short-term support of the immune system
– Provides antioxidant activity
– Supports emotional balance
– Tastes great with added natural raspberry fruit powder

Inquire about purchasing these supplements   


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