Dr Joelle was quoted in an article about Best Bedtime Snacks. The article discusses how to make better snack choices for better sleep and less chance of weight gain.

“The best bedtime snacks are ones that are protein based, or protein and fat based,” says Dr. Joelle Cafaro, a holistic health specialist and founder of Heal4Real.com, based in Winchester, VA.

She suggests a boiled egg, leftover piece of chicken (or some protein-based meat), tablespoon of peanut butter, half an avocado or 2 ounces of hard cheese like cheddar or Gouda. Protein and fat in snacks helps maintain balanced blood sugar levels through the night, which means sleeping through until the morning.

Sugary foods such as candy, cakes and pie as well as snacks with caffeine like chocolate as well as some protein bars can cause agitation and alertness at night instead of relaxation. Carbohydrate-based snacks like chips, pretzels and crackers can cause blood sugar to rise initially, but in a few hours, it falls, leading to waking in the night.

There are recipes for Healthy Peanut Butter Ice Cream and Kale Chips with Siraccha and Greek Yogurt Dip. Plus plenty of useful lists of healthy snacks. Head on over and read the entire article HERE

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